Saturday, January 1, 2011


She keeps an empty tin can on the windowsill above her kitchen sink. It is in plain sight on purpose. On the can is a black silhouette of a pig and the words A pork food product donated by the people of the United States Hunger Program. It serves as a reminder of the day she went to the food closet and brought home a bag of groceries for her children's supper. Inside the can was a small blob of pink flesh in a greasy liquid. She threw it down the sink and gave the children cereal. The can on the sill is not to remind her of how bad things were but to remind her that others in the world don't have the option of even a piece of greasy pork. She recalls that no matter how bad it seemed at the time, she got through it and that thousands of children die each day from starvation and that there are 1,031,326,050 undernourished people in the world right now and by the time I have ended this sentence the number will have grown by 11 people 

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